Micro biome training – APS

Dr. Walter Sandoval, a Paraguayan scientist, developed training on the use of bioactivators based on microbiomes applied to the soil that reduce fertilization costs, care for and improve the soil, which is the fundamental basis of farmers’ work.
Micro Bios Talk – IPTA

On Saturday, August 6, Dr. Walter Sandoval, principal researcher at the company MicroBios, gave a master class on Bioactivators, focused on the microbiome and all the work that MicroBios has been developing together with Tiraleo. The event was organized together with the IPTA with more than 50 students from the San Carlos University and the […]
Why bet on the use of communities of microorganisms in agriculture

Communities of microorganisms improve soil and crop yields

Paraguay and its location as an emitter of CO2 or Carbon Dioxide

MicroBios Presentation | Ph.D. Walter Sandoval

Technologies that we develop at MicroBios

Technologies that we develop at MicroBios PhD. Walter Sandoval, Principal Investigator MicroBios | PIONEERS IN MICROBIOLOGY We are a company with headquarters in Uruguay; We develop programs financed by international environmental funds and government programs in South America for environmental purposes. We stand out in the development of biotechnological products for agricultural, industrial, human and […]